The first half of 2009 was consumed by a major renovation of the new side of our house - we built a full bathroom practically from scratch - jackhammering concrete to lay sewer pipe, framing two walls, running new copper piping, doing all the electrical, drywall, tiling - all done ourselves. Custom woodwork all over, custom granite counter tops, even cutom tiled sleeves for the brushed-metal hardware.
It still isn't finished, but it's coming into shape.
And meanwhile we re-did the living room, which meant ripping out three windows and a door and completely rebuilding the walls, insulating, stucco, then putting in four new windows and a new door. And framing a new office and a storage space. Lots of handywork.
And work-work is crazy as usual.
All this by way of a bit of an apology -- there's not been a whole lot of time for art, and thus there's not been a 2009 gallery until June. Ooops. Sorry about that. Real Life[tm] does trump tinkering with pretty pictures.